Parasites 101: How to Improve Your Gut, Brain, and Hormone Health

Parasites are way more common than you think! According to the CDC, parasitic infections cause a heavy burden of disease in underdeveloped and developed countries, yes, even in the United States. As a Nutritional Practitioner, parasites are the most common root cause contributing to a variety of symptoms that clients are struggling with. In this blog post, we will be exploring parasites and their connection to common symptoms ranging from gut issues, brain fog, low energy, anxiety, depression, acne, period problems, and more.

What Are Parasites and Where Are They Found?

Parasites are pesky organisms that live on or in a host and survive by getting their food from the host, stealing key nutrients. There are over a thousand different parasites, some that don’t cause harm but actually live symbiotically with us. Some say that parasites can even be considered helpful since they harbor other pathogens and toxins such as heavy metals, mold, mycotoxins, Lyme bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and act like a sponge to protect us.

Many people might not know this, but parasites don’t just live in your intestines. They can also be found inside our cells, such as our fat cells or red blood cells, in between our cells, or in our muscles, brain, lymph, lungs, liver, or other organs and tissues. Most parasites are microscopic, meaning you can’t physically see them, and some actually look like worms, which is pretty disturbing to think about. Awareness and knowledge are key though!

Where Do Parasites Come From?

Parasites are everywhere, and avoiding them isn’t possible. It’s all about building resilience in your body by strengthening your immune system and reducing your overall toxin burden. According to the Terrain Theory, germs aren’t the cause of disease; it’s the imbalance in the environment that contributes to disease. Just like mosquitoes are attracted to dirty ponds or pools of water, parasites become a problem when your internal environment accumulates with toxins.

Parasites can be found in:

  • Food: uncooked beef, fish such as sushi, pork products

  • Water: tap water, lakes, ponds, unfiltered water

  • Pets

  • Soil: walking barefoot

  • Toys, bedding, door handles

  • Toilets

  • Other people

  • Blood transfusions

Common Signs and Symptoms of Parasites:

  • Restless sleep

  • Weight Gain

  • Skin Issues

  • Frequent diarrhea

  • Sensitive to dairy

  • SIBO/bloated/gassy

  • Abdominal pains

  • Anal itch

  • Grinding teeth

  • Vertical wrinkles around the mouth

  • Irritable

  • Depression/Anxiety

  • Dark circles

  • Night Sweats

  • Increased symptoms around the full moon

  • Anemia

  • Vitamin B6 deficiency

  • White spots on nails

Should I Do A Parasite Cleanse/Detox?

“If you have a pulse, you have a parasite.” - Dr. Todd Watts

As a Nutritional Practitioner, reducing your toxin burden should be your top priority since we’re living in a toxic soup. This includes parasite detoxification and cleansing a few times a year while integrating new nutrition and lifestyle habits to establish a strong foundation where your natural detoxification system and immune system can protect you against parasites.

Parasite detoxification is a strategic process; you must prepare your body before and during a parasite protocol to reduce unpleasant detox reactions. To prepare your body, you must start by supporting your drainage pathways before and throughout the process of removal. Remember, parasites are sponges for other toxins, and when you start to go after parasites, they can release these toxins into your system, triggering other unpleasant symptoms. It’s always recommended to work with a practitioner who can guide you through the proper process and help you minimize detox reactions. If you’re ready to test and address parasites on your wellness journey, we would love to support you. Book your free 30 minute call today HERE.


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